If you want to worry about something other than Covid-19….
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us - home, school, the office, the coffee shop. Our modern technology is a huge source of these EMFs. It’s hard to imagine life without all this technology - but are we paying a price for it? Lets get some facts on the health dangers of EMFs and tips on how best to protect ourselves
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are radiation-invisible fields of energy that are produced by electricity. We have had natural EMFs coming from the sun and the earth since the beginning of time. Our modern world is full of man made EMFs in the form of technology and our exposure to EMFs has skyrocketed. Cell phones, computers, microwaves, TVs, power lines, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, smart meters, UV lights, x-rays, and MRIs all generate EMFs.
High-level ionizing radiation, such as from x-rays and sunlight, is an EMF known to cause harmful health effects. Low level non-ionizing radiation, such as those from our cell phones and computers, has been accepted as safe, however, there is research showing otherwise and there is serious concern over the safety of continuous exposure to this multitude of low level non-ionizing radiation.
EMFs can cause oxidative stress in cells, which can damage proteins, lipids, and DNA. Low level non ionizing radiation has been linked to cancer. EMFs have been classified by the World Health Organization as a possible carcinogen. Studies have been done that link prolonged exposure to brain cancer, childhood leukemia, vestibular nerve tumors, and breast cancer to name a few. EMFs have also been linked to neurological symptoms: fatigue, headache, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and impaired memory, as well as neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. EMFs can impact the reproductive system, causing reduced quality of sperm and increased risk of miscarriage. People can also experience EMF hypersensitivity.
5G technology will eventually overtake existing technology with its ability to rapidly transmit large amounts of data. This network will require more cell towers to do its job, which means more unavoidable EMF exposure. The 5G network will use higher frequencies than previous technology, exposing the public to much broader spectrum of frequencies. These new frequencies have not been studied.
Technology is here to stay and will only become more prevalent in our lives, so I recommend being proactive and taking steps to protect ourselves from the onslaught of EMF exposure. Decrease exposure to EMFs at home: unplug Wi-Fi router at night, use ethernet cords instead of Wi-Fi, keep devices in airplane mode when not in use, keep devices away from your body, use EMF shields, use a plugged in headset or speaker phone when talking on a cell phone, don’t sleep with cell phone next to your head, wait for a good signal to use the phone, avoid baby monitors, make sure your smart meter is not on a wall where you spend a lot of time. All EMFs become weaker with distance. It is also important to make sure your body is at its best to deal with the oxidative stress of EMFs. Decrease your overall toxic load and have a healthy diet full of antioxidant foods, including deeply colored berries and vegetables, nuts, and dark chocolate.
Let’s do our best to live a healthy life with modern technology as we learn more about the effects of EMFs on our health. Now go turn off that wi-fi and eat some dark chocolate!