COVID-19 - some facts and some thoughts

I’ve been reluctant to write anything at all about Covid-19 because we just don’t know much about it. The scientific studies we normally turn to in order to help guide us with strategies for prevention and treatment are pretty much non-existent for this novel virus, especially in terms of natural supplements. So I would like to put a huge disclaimer here stating that the information below is based on extremely limited data and the prevention and treatment protocols are based on theoretical mechanism of action, and/or studies in animals, cells or with different types of viruses. And much of it gleamed from webinars and articles from some very smart people.

Here goes….

How do we think SARS-COV-2 works?

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the new coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) that is thought to have come from animals, likely bats. Viruses can not reproduce by themselves and need the host body to help them. They attach to cell surfaces by way of receptors, make their way into the cell and basically hijack the cell to make more virus particles. These new virus particles then spread to infect other cells. Our bodies respond to the viral illness by activating the immune system to try and kill the virus, pouring out cytokines, protein messengers that direct the immune system, causing fever and inflammation. Cell damage and tissue destruction are collateral results of trying to kill the virus. It is not the virus that is doing the damage, it is the over response of the immune system.

The coronavirus binds to a cell receptor on a cell called the ACE2 receptor, which is found mainly in the lungs, kidneys, vasculature, and gastrointestinal tract, and likely the brain. It seems to bind very tightly to these receptors. In order for the virus to then get into the cell, it needs to fuse with the host cell membrane. Research has also shown that this coronavirus, unlike other coronaviruses, allows the virus to get into the cell more easily. 

Once the virus is in the cell it activates a very strong immune response and produces the inflammasome. This is a collection of receptors, mediators, and proteins involved in an inflammatory response. Normally, when we are infected, we have an inflammatory response, kill the pathogen, and resolve the inflammation. But with this coronavirus we are seeing a huge inflammatory response and inability to turn off the inflammation, resulting in a “cytokine storm” with lots of inflammation and tissue damage, ultimately culminating in ARDS - acute respiratory distress syndrome, which requires ICU care and intubation.

What can we do about it?

I am not going to dwell upon what has already been beaten into our heads about staying home, social distancing, and washing our hands. Just do it.

I am going to talk about other possible ways to help prevent the infections and possibly things that could help if we have it. Functional Medicine really shines here because focusing on lifestyle and inflammation is so important.

Overall it is a good idea to work on decreasing our baseline inflammation so that we are in a better place inflammatory wise if we do get the coronavirus.



-Get enough of it. Turn off the news and get to bed on time. We know that lack of sleep is actually a source of inflammation and that sleep is the time our body repairs and detoxifies, so make it a priority. Also limit night time artificial light that can be problematic for our sleep because it decreases melatonin, which we do not want to do. See below for melatonin info.


-There is no doubt about it that these are extremely stressful times. Even going to the store, if that is a possibility, is a giant source of stress. Stress can make our immune system take a hit, so take the time to breathe, meditate, and exercise. There are a ton of online resources out there, many for free, such as apps like headspace, 10% happier, calm, and Peloton is free for 90 days.


-We know low to moderate intensity exercise decreases cortisol, our stress hormone, and improves immunity. Although we are limited in what we can do right now (I so miss my swimming), find new ways to move your body. Walk or jog, videos for strength training, high intensity interval training, yoga and the like are all over the internet.


-This is major. We want to keep ourselves nourished with as nutrient dense a diet as we can to provide the vitamins and minerals we need. Taking out inflammatory foods like gluten, dairy, and sugar can help us decrease our baseline of inflammation which can be very beneficial. Increase fruits to 2-3 servings a day and 5-7 servings of veggies/day. I know this is easier said than done when access to food is somewhat limited, but try to make good choices for your body.


-We are all in this together, even though we are not physically together. We can reach out by phone, or internet to friends and family and still stay connected during this time. We can look out for those in need and help where we can, even if it’s just checking in on someone to say hello.


Vitamin C

-can decrease the inflammasome and thereby decrease inflammation

-increases immune cells and is directly antiviral


-supports Vitamin E and Glutathione - other antioxidants

-it is best taken in 500-1000mg increments every few hours. 1 gram 2x/day is good for prevention

-if sick - 1 gram every HOUR to bowel tolerance. If you take too much you can get loose bowel movements and then can cut back

-caution to people with kidney stones - can exacerbate

Vitamin D

-large role in preventing respiratory infections

-helps balance out the immune system

-5000IU - 10,000IU/day possibly more- depends on your vitamin D level

-high dose Vitamin D can be helpful at initial signs of symptoms, especially if not already taking vitamin D, this would be 50,000IU Vitamin D 1-2x/day x 3 days and then stop and reduce to 5000-10,000IU/day

-caveat: Vitamin D has been found to increase one of the inflammatory cytokines, and there is thought that maybe it should be discontinued with active infection. My feel is that it does more good than bad, but the jury is out.

Vitamin A (not beta carotene)

-enhances immune function

-reduces morbidity and mortality in different infectious diseases

-5,000-10,000 IU/day

-do not take Vit A without taking Vitamin D - we need a balance


-extremely helpful for general immune support and an antioxidant

-increased intracellular zinc concentrations may inhibit viral replication

-chloroquine enhances cellular zinc uptake - may be why it is possibly effective in coronavirus

-lack of smell and taste are classic signs of zinc deficiency

-prevention 20-30mg/day with food

-active infection 20 - 30 mg 2x/day, take with food

-after infection, decrease dose and balance with copper 15mg zinc/1 mg copper

-too much can actually be immunosuppressive


-not just for sleep, but that’s a bonus

-a potent anti-oxidant and has been shown to shut down the inflammasome and inflammation.

-it is interesting that young children and pregnant women get less COVID-19 disease, and they both have high melatonin levels.  Melatonin does decrease as we age

1-3mg at night could be helpful. More if sick - upwards of 10mg


-may prevent the virus from binding to and entering the cell.

-It is also an antioxidant

-can bind to zinc and increase the amount of zinc in cells

-helpful in allergies

-up to 500mg 2x/day 

-clinical trials are scheduled to start in China in a few weeks using Quercetin with the coronavirus


-shown to inhibit the MERS virus in cells

-it is a great antioxidant and can help with inflammation

-200-400mg 2-3x/day

N-Acetyl Cysteine - NAC

-precursor to out master antioxidant, glutathione

-shown to inhibit viral replication in influenza

-can thin out thick mucus secretions

-likely helpful for lungs

-taking tylenol depletes glutathione which can be a real problem, NAC helps replete it

-at least 900mg 2x/day


-master antioxidant in our bodies and protects against oxidative stress

-low glutathione will equal a low antiviral response

-can have worse respiratory disease with low lung glutathione

-500/mg day in divided doses if ill, or 100mg 2x/day for prevention

Stinging Nettle Root

-has shown to have decreased lung disease in SARS-COV in mice models

-antiviral activity in other viruses

Other supplements to increase our immune response:

-Astragalus 500mg 2x-3x/day

-Reishi 400mg 2-3x/day

-Andrographis - 400mg 2-3x/day

-Echinacea 500mg 2-3x/day

-Beta -glucans

If someone is infected and not improving - these immune support options listed above should likely be stopped and emphasis placed on dealing with inflammation rather than ramping up immune system

Fish Oil


-thought it gives omega 3 fatty acids to make pro-resolving mediators

-2-3 grams/day would be a good starting dose

Specific Pro-Resolving Mediators (SPMs)

-help to reduce inflammation in active stage of disease to help deal with overactive, nonresolving inflammation

-we make SPMs but not all can make them well, especially in chronic inflammation where there is failure to resolve inflammation

-Metagenics SPM active - 2 caps 2-3x/day with active infection

Early on in the process we are concerned with enhancing our immune activation so we can better fend off and fight this disease. If we become infected, we become concerned about too much inflammation and want strategies to help deal with that.

What is a good plan for prevention?

-Vitamin D - 5,000-10,000 Iu daily

-Vitamin C - 1 gram 2x/day

-Vitamin A - 5000IU daily

-Zinc 20-30mg/day with food

-melatonin 1-3mg at night 30 min before bed

-NAC 900mg 2x/day

What is a good plan if I get the virus?

-continue Vitamin D, A, NAC

-increase Vitamin C 1 gram every hour or to bowel tolerance

-increase zinc to 20-30mg 2x/day with food

-increase melatonin 6-10mg at night 30 minutes before bed

-add Quercetin 500mg 3x/day

-add Resveratrol 200-400mg 2-3 x/day

What is a good plan if I am getting really sick?

-consider stopping Vitamin D?

-continue Vit A, C, zinc, quercetin and melatonin

-increase Resveratrol to 400mg 3x/day

-add glutathione 500mg/day

-add stinging nettle root

-add Specific Pro-resolving mediators -Metagenics SPM active - 2 caps 2-3x/day 

A COVID-19 protocol should be tailored to the individual person and there is no one plan fits all. Speak with your healthcare provider

These are not FDA approved and are only suggestions that could possibly help

Be safe and stay healthy!